Is it time to give your office an open-plan fitout?

Part of the: Office Fitout Collection
With over 80 percent of Australian offices having moved to an open-plan office fitout, is it time for you to follow the trend? Research indicates that a well designed open-plan office space will undoubtedly increase communication and collaboration between workers. However, there is also evidence that open-plan workspaces increase distractions and noise levels as well as take away from employees’ privacy. So is an open-plan fitout right for your business? When designing a fitout for your office, the most important thing to keep in mind is the advantages and disadvantages each option has for employees.
Advantages of an open-plan fitout
- A sense of equality between workers and their managers
- Continuous communication between colleagues
- An increased ability to solve problems as they arise
- The ability to add more workstations as the amount of employees grows
- Increased collaboration on communal projects
- Up to 5 times cheaper than individual offices
- Better exchange of information that lead to ideas
Disadvantages of an open-plan fitout
- Higher amounts of noise
- Distractions which lead to less productivity
- Reduced privacy and confidentiality for employees
- Possibility of ‘hot-desking’ - when employees don't have a personal desk in an office and are moved around each day